Focused on Outcomes

The outcomes for the participants over the three years aim at increasing self-confidence, opening the door to broader aspirations and giving participants an opportunity to see themselves as leaders. The program will help these young women:

  •  Understand and accept who they are, their values and strengths
  •  Increase awareness of stereotypes for women and men and be comfortable challenging them
  • Value their own opinions and beliefs and make themselves heard
  • Listen to others’ ideas with an open mind to make better decisions and learn to communicate effectively to helpbuild consensus from a range of opinions
  • Take action to tackle challenges that are out of their comfort zone and stand up for what matters to them
  • Be a role model for younger girls and interact with accomplished women
  • Learn how to develop their own positive network of support

Girls will be chosen for participation in the program by their principals and other school staff based on their potential for leadership. A girl selected to participate in 10th grade will remain in the program for three years until she graduates in the 12th grade.

The Institute will conduct pre- and post-participation evaluations and will survey students at various stages throughout the three years to measure progress and the program effectiveness. Schools will also be asked to assess the impact the program has made on their students.